Welcoming you from the 8th of June.
The Fastnet Hotel is looking forward to opening our Hotel from the 8th June. Our top priority is the welfare of both our guests and our staff. Please feel assured that we will be keeping you and your loved ones safe as possible by putting in place all necessary precautions to minimise the spread of Covid-19.
Your Safety
*Please note that our procedures will be under constant review to maintain maximum effectiveness and cleanliness. The Fastnet Hotel will, of course, always comply with all government regulations.
We have prepared and implemented extensive health and safety guidelines, training our staff to ensure every precaution is in place to minimise the spread of Covid-19. In addition we’ve thought hard about how best to make your stay as easy, pleasant and safe as possible.
1 We politely request that if you begin to display any symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature or persistent cough), that you contact us to postpone your visit and we will of course transfer your reservation to a later available date.
2 We will also send you important information about dining and how to book for dinner with us. We are also look happy to assist you in finding good places to eat.
Arrival & Check-in
1 Temperature checking is available on arrival (or during your stay if you feel concerned): We politely request that if you start to display any symptoms of Covid-19, that you do not enter the hotel. These symptoms include: high temperature and a new & persistent cough. Any guests or visitors displaying Covid-19 symptoms may be asked to leave the premises.
2 Hand sanitising facilities will be available on arrival and all keys, phones, door handles and banister railings will be regularly sanitised.
3 As we are a small family business, there is no formal reception desk. When we meet you on arrival, we will insist on keeping the required social distance. When indoors, we may opt to wear masks when closer than 2 metres. Your room key will be sanitised before being given to you.
4 During these times, it has been advised to avoid handling your luggage or belongings. We will show you to your room, but probably with a mask. However, we will do our best to help and ensure we do so with your safety in mind.
5 If you have any special requirements, please let us know before you arrive so we can make the necessary preparations with everybody’s safety in mind.
Dining & Bar Areas
Ordinarily we love nothing more than to chat and offer you our most attentive service during your stay. We are sorry that we will not be able to shake your hand. But in order to keep everyone safe we need to minimise close contact.
1 Cleanliness: extensive cleaning of shared surfaces will be conducted throughout the day and checked regularly.
2 Our dining area cloakroomare will be extensively cleaned and checked. You can of course opt to use only the en-suite bathroom in your own room.
3 Dining and Bar areas: tables and lounge chairs have been placed 2 metres apart both inside and outside to reduce risk. As only Hotel guests can use these facilities, it is never crowded. Therefore screens are not necessary.
4 When walking through the hotel we beg you to use discretion and consider other’s safety by maintaining social distance.
Breakfast & Dining & Bar
1 Your Choice – please let us know what you prefer when you book:
Food will be cooked to order only.
2 Dinner: The Fastnet Hotel is offering Dinner only to our Hotel Guests from 6:00 – 8:00pm.
3 We have an honesty bar with beer, wine, or drinks of your choice.
Check Out
We can automatically take payment for your stay using the debit or credit card details you have given us.
People on Our Staff
All our staff will be temperature checked on arrival for work and required to self-certify that they have not been in contact with anyone showing Covid-19 symptoms.
Any staff member who shows symptoms will be immediately sent home for 14 days self-isolation.